Rovers are an integral part of a typical VHF contest weekend. These are teams of individuals who take their VHF, UHF and microwave equipment on the road to operate from multiple locations, or grids squares, over the period of a contest weekend. Rovers offer all contest stations a greater chance to increase their overall scores, since rovers can be contacted once per location (grid square) per MHz or GHz band. The members of K8GP appreciate all the time and effort expended by these rover teams and offer the rest of the radio community a glimpse into some of what it takes to deploy their operations. Click on one of the pictures below to enter the rovers gallery and view some of those who have visited and contacted the K8GP contest station over the years.
And for a link to the old N2JMH/R psycho rover, check out their YouTube video below by clicking on the play button ( > ):
[youtube width=”320″ height=”240″][/youtube]
Here are some external web sites of rovers we have worked over the years:
Below follow the links to read one of several rover journals acquired by the group and hosted locally.